
All of my presentations are available to view or download. Please cite them if you read them and they were useful for you. Presentations slides are hosted by SlideShare. Content of this page updates regularly based on my SlideShare account.

Last update: 12 September 2019

Conferences, Workshops, and Seminars Presentations

Analysis of Social Phenomena Using Machine Learning Techniques: A Mixed Research Framework, 2019

Analysis of Social Phenomena Using Machine Learning Techniques: A Mixed Research Framework from Morteza Zakeri

An introduction to sequence to sequence learning with neural networks, 2018

یادگیری توالی به توالی با شبکه های عصبی from Morteza Zakeri

An introduction to ANTLR, 2016

An Introduction to ANTLR from Morteza Zakeri

Classroom Presentations

Internet of Things: middle-ware platforms, security, and intrusion detection, 2019

Internet of Things: Middle-ware Platforms, Security, and Intrusion Detection from Morteza Zakeri

SpotifyX architectural review: Micro-services and scalability, 2019

SpotifyX Architectural Review from Morteza Zakeri

Community detection in dynamic complex networks with genetic algorithm, 2019

Community Detection with Genetic Algorithm from Morteza Zakeri

Apache Mesos: Architecture, design and code review, 2019

Apache Mesos: Architecture, Design and Code Review from Morteza Zakeri

An overview of anomaly detection techniques, 2018

An overview of anomaly detection techniques from Morteza Zakeri

Sequence to sequence learning with neural networks, 2018

Sequence to sequence learning with neural networks from Morteza Zakeri

Software fault avoidance in implementation, 2017

Software Fault Avoidance in Implementation from Morteza Zakeri

Extracting architectural model of software from source code, 2017

Extracting architectural model of software from source code from Morteza Zakeri

Introduction to Apache Mesos, 2017

Introduction to Apache Mesos from Morteza Zakeri

Introduction to Oracle (Sun) Grid Engine, 2017

Introduction to Oracle Grid Engine from Morteza Zakeri

Bridge management system using NoSQL solutions, 2016

Bridge Management System Using NoSQL Solutions from Morteza Zakeri

SQLite and object-relational mapping in Java, 2016

SQLite and object-relational mapping in Java from Morteza Zakeri

Tutorialspoint” website user interface analysis, 2015

Tutorialspoint UI Analysis from Morteza Zakeri

An introduction to Python programming, 2014

An Introduction to Python Programming from Morteza Zakeri

Introduction to web programming: PHP vs ASP.NET, 2013

Introduction to Web Programming: PHP vs ASP.NET from Morteza Zakeri