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Types of Grammar

1. Regular Expressions


  • Regular Expressions (Regex): A regular expression is a sequence of characters that defines a search pattern. It is commonly used for string matching within a text.


  • The regular expression (a + b * c)* describes the language of all strings over the alphabet {a, b, c} where any combination of a, b, and c is allowed, including the empty string.

Operations on Regular Expressions

  • Concatenation (r1 r2): Combines two regular expressions.
  • Union (r1 + r2): Represents alternatives between two regular expressions.
  • Kleene Star (r*): Denotes zero or more repetitions of the preceding regular expression.

2. Recursive Definition

Primitive Regular Expressions

  • Empty Set (): Represents the language containing no strings.
  • Empty String (λ): Represents the language containing only the empty string.
  • Atomic Symbol (α): Represents a single character from the alphabet.


  • Union (r1 + r2): Represents the union of two languages.
  • Concatenation (r1 r2): Represents the concatenation of two languages.
  • Kleene Star (r*): Represents zero or more repetitions of a language.

3. Examples

Example 1

  • Regular Expression: (a + b) * a*
  • Language: All strings with any combination of a and b, followed by zero or more a.

Example 2

  • Regular Expression: (a + b*) * (c + ∅)
  • Language: All strings with any combination of a and zero or more b, followed by either c or the empty string.

4. Languages of Regular Expressions


  • For a regular expression r, the language L(r) is the set of all strings that can be generated by r.


  • For the regular expression (a + b * c)*, L((a + b * c)*) is the set of all strings over {a, b, c}.

5. Conversion from Finite Automaton (FA) to Regular Expression

Generalized Transition Graph

  • Represents the transitions of a finite automaton.
  • The final regular expression is obtained by combining the regular expressions associated with the transitions.


  • Transition graph with states q0, q1, q2, q3, q4, and transitions labeled with regular expressions.
  • The final regular expression r is obtained by combining the expressions associated with transitions.