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Core entity-reference development

Reading: 5 minutes, Last update: 10 March 2022

The following proposal has been initially prepared for the IUST Compiler and IUST Advanced Compiler courses in Fall 2021 and Winter/Spring 2022.

Note 1: Before reading this proposal ensure that you have read and understood the OpenUnderstand white-paper.

Students must form groups of up to four persons. Each group develops analysis passes to find a subset of references kinds listed in Table 2 along with their corresponding entities. The exact list of reference kind will be assigned to each group subsequently. The entity kinds in Table 1 and references kinds in Table 2 may update during the semester for bug fixing purposes.

Note 2: Each pair of references kinds must be implemented as a standalone Python module (single .py file) in the openuderstand.analysis_passes package. Consider the existing modules in the packages as examples.

Note 3: Each python module should follow PEP -- Style Guide for Python Code and document well.

Note 4: Each group is asked to review the code of at least one other group in the classroom. Your final project score is computed considering the score given by referees to each member of the team.

Note 5: Before developing your codes ensure that you have pulled the latest version of the OpenUnderstand repository.

Note 6: Your code should work properly on the real-world software project existing in the benchmark directory of the OpenUnderstand repository. In addition, your code must pass all unit tests and have no conflicts with other modules. Unit tests are under development, and we will inform you as they are released.

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